本文对中国西部开发战略提出三点建议 :1.中国西部地区现有地球信息资源非常丰富 ,应进一步分析整理与挖掘提炼 ,为西部发展战略服务 ;2 .中国西部地域辽阔 ,区域差异明显 ,发展战略与开发建设必须因地制宜 ,从实际出发 ;3.充分发挥第二亚欧大陆桥。
THe author proposed three suggestions on the development of West China. First, editing and analyzing the rich geo information about the natural resources and environment in the West China provides basic scientific data and facts for the West China development. Second, the development strategy and measures should be suitable to the local reality of vast area and outstanding regional differences. Third, it is important to make full use of second Eurasian continental bridge.
Geo-information Science