本文在农民理性行为分析框架下 ,吸取Carrington模型的分析思路 ,从理论分析中得到启发 ,认为城乡收入差异、农村劳动力流动性以及农民在转移过程中的就业集聚效果应该成为本项研究的中心问题。随后 ,笔者根据相关的调查数据作了经验检验 ,得出了有益的结论 :从农民转移就业的发展趋势上看 ,城乡收入差异并不是影响农村劳动力转移的主要原因 ;在转移过程中 ,农民的转移就业呈现出大规模集聚的趋势 ,同时 ,这种由地区就业集聚所形成的社会、信息网络对农民外出就业的帮扶效应则显著地影响着农民的就业行为。由此 。
Basing on the general analytical framework of peasant's rational behavior, assimilating the analyzing thought of Carrington Model, and deriving inspiration from the economic theories, this paper holds a view that the income difference, rural labor mobility and the effect of employment assembly in the process of peasant's transference should become the central issue of the research. What is more, according to the relative data, the author takes practicing examination, and comes to a valuable conclusion, that is, in the long-run tendency of peasant's employment transference, the income difference between urban and rural area is not the major effect of rural labor transference. It is a tendency of grand assembly which happens in the process of peasant's employment transference. Based on this, the author makes a further solution to solve the problems of rural labor employment transference.
China Rural Survey
教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地 2 0 0 1年度重大研究项目"中国农村微观经济组织形式研究"的阶段性论文成果。(项目编号 :0 1JAZJD790 0 0 2 )