AIM: To assess the frequency of ferritin presence in retinoblastomas and its value as a tumor marker; to determine whether the ferritin expression is related to retinoblastoma associated characteristics. · METHODS: Thirty specimens with retinoblastoma were examined by using immunohi stochemical technique. · RESULTS: The positive frequency of ferritin immunostain was 96.6% (29/30). In patients younger than 2 years old, the distribution of ferritin immunostain sho wed +++ in 71.4% (5/7) and intensity ++ in 71.4% (5/7); in patients older than 7 years old, the distribution of ferritin immunostain showed +++ in 83.3% (5/6), whereas in patients aged between 2 and 7 years old, both the distribution and th e intensity of ferritin immunostain showed + predominantly (P <0.05). The ferrit in antibody showed as the following: +++ immunostain in 58.3% (7/12) in patients at the glaucoma stage, ++ in 42.9% (3/7) in thoseat the intraocular stage and + 45.6% (5/11) in those at the extraocular extension stage (P <0.005). The intens ity of ferritin immunostain showed ++ in 85.7% (6/7) in differentiated retinobla stoma, but + in 65.2(15/23) in undifferentiated retinoblastoma (P < 0.01). · CONCLUSION: Immunohistochemical demonstration of high ferritin expression in retinoblastoma may be a clinic-pathologic indication for better prognosis. ·
International Eye Science