本文从统一进步联盟的最低纲领入手 ,分析了印度新政府吸取前任政府教训 ,关注弱势群体的政策及其初步表现 ,并指出 ,新政府虽然关注弱势群体 ,并做出相当努力 ,但鉴于印度弱势群体的庞大规模及种种条件的限制。要在短期内改善弱势群体的处境 ,恐非易事。
The paper attempts to look into the UPA’s Minimum Common Programme, especially its apparent reference of the backward and unprivileged classes. It argues that the incoming administration in New Delhi draws the lessons from its NDA predecessor and makes efforts to take care of the socially disadvantaged sections. But according to the author, it has become a formidable task for the authorities to tangibly improve both the status and wellbeing of the communities because of its huge size of population and various restraints regarding them.
South Asian Studies Quarterly
20 0 4国家社会科学基金资助项目"南亚次大陆经济发展与区域安全" (0 4CGJ0 0 3)系列论文