史学"碎化"是美国史学重建中面临的一大难题。史学"综合"是大多数美国史 学家的心愿,但也有史学家提出,关键并不在于史学"综合",而在于重建史学的宏大叙事。 关于宏大叙事的各种解读有助于我们理解史学中的"宏大叙事"。美国史学中的宏大叙事在 不同的历史阶段有着不同的曲折反映。由于各种因素的影响,二战后的美国史学出现疏离 宏大叙事的趋势。史学家们惊叹宏大叙事的缺失,呼吁和设计宏大叙事的重建与复归。当 代美国史学宏大叙事的重建面临种种难题。这些难题从理论上讲是由于宏观社会理论的缺 失与后现代理论的瓦解作用造成的,这是当代西方史学乃至整个世界史学需要直面的问题。 而宏观社会理论的缺失、后现代理论的产生与宏大叙事的缺失一样都可以追溯到更深层的 社会历史根源。关于美国历史的宏大叙事的前景如何,只有将来的美国史学家能够回答。
As fragmentation was a main problem for reconstruction of American historiography, most American historians appealed for the synthesis of history. But some historians considered that the resolution was not the synthesis but to reconstruct the grand narrative of history. Grand narrative in American historiography revealed itself differently on different historical stages. For the influence of various factors, American historiography after World War II tended to be alien from the grand narrative. So historians lamented the loss of grand narrative and gave a lot of designs of reconstruction of it. These designs confronted some problems, which theoretically resulted from the lack of grand social theory and the deconstruction of postmodernism.
Historiography Bimonthly