自20世纪九十年代以来,我国所有制结构变动中,城镇集体所有制经济无论 是企业数量还是从业人员数量,下降幅度都是最大的。这种状况,与社会主义初级阶段的 基本经济制度很不相称;与集体经济作为社会主义公有制经济重要组成部分的社会地位 很不相称;与集体经济历史上曾经有过的辉煌很不相称。究其原因,是曾经误读了马克思 关于"向集体所有制过渡"的著名论述。其中涉及,采用合作社作为过渡形式会有多长时 间,合作社的性质怎样,合作社可否作为我国发展城镇集体经济的参照系等。这些都直接 关系到从计划集体经济到市场集体经济的转制。
Why has the decline range of town collective economy, whether in the number of enterprises or in the number of their employees, been most radical in our ownership structural change since the nineties of the twentieth century? Why has town collective economy less energy than rural cooperative economy currently? This is very inappropriate to the fundamental economy system of the socialist primary stage. It's not suitable to the social status of collective economy as an important part of socialist public-owned economy, and is also not suitable to the splendid history of collective economy. The cause is that we misread Marx's famous discourse upon Transition to Collective Ownership. It includes the meaning of the discourse, the character of cooperation, and so on. These are all important for turning collective economy in the planned economy to that in the market economy.
The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute