在世界现代化进程中 ,日本作为一个后发型现代化国家的典型倍受学术界 ,特别是中国学者的关注。 1 7世纪中叶的中国与日本历史发展阶段相似 ,同样面临着内忧外患的考验 ,也同样有一个“闭关锁国”的阶段。然而日本顺利地走上了现代化之路 ,入围世界现代化国家之列 ,而中国却一步步沦为西方列强的半殖民地 ,倍受蹂躏与屈辱。学术界通常将着眼点集中于“明治维新” ,以此作为日本现代化进程的起点 ,但却忽视了两国的“闭关锁国”并不完全相同。本文试将目光集中到日本的“闭关锁国”时期 ,对其重新审视。
The author reexamines Japen's Closed-door Policy,the article stresses that Japan remained open to a certain degree on the basis of Closed-door Policy,thus laying down the foundations for Japan's modernization,the author also compares Japan's Closed-door Policy with that of Qin Dynasty in China and points out the differences between them.
Journal of Xianning Teachers College