20世纪 90年代中期以来 ,日本社会生成了“新民族主义” ,“新民族主义”思潮尽管在表现形式上与旧的民族主义有所不同 ,但在歪曲历史事实、美化侵略战争这个本质上与旧的民族主义并无区别。日本“新民族主义”实质是一股极右思潮 ,它对日本政治右倾化起着极大的推动作用。
Since the mid_Nineties of 20th Century,“Neonationalism” has appeared in Japen,whose ideological trend are different to the old one in form but the same in nature in distorting historical events,in beautifying aggressive wars.It is in fact a stream of ultra_Right which is impelling political Right_deviationism in Japan.We should be on guard against Japanese government pulling Asian nations into the war abyss again.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition