1Nicholas Wheller and Ken Booth,"The Security dilemma",in John Baylis and N.S.Rengger(eds,),Dilemmas of World Politics:international issures in a changing world (Oxford:1992),p.29,quoted from Alan Collins,The Security Dilemma and the End of the Cold War,Edinburgh:Keele University Press,1997,p.9.
2Robert Lieber,No Commone Power:understanding international relations,New York:Harper Collins,1991,p.6.
3See Herbert Butterfield,History and Human Relations(London:Collins,1951);John Herz,Political Realism and Political Idealism(Chicago,IL:Chicago University Press,1951).
4Herbert Butterfield,History and Human Relations,pp.19-20,quoted from Paul Roe,"Misperceprion and Ethnic Conflict:Transylrania’s societal security dilemma”,Review of International Studies,28/1(2002),p.59.以下注5.6.转引同处。
5Herbert Butterfield,History and Human Relations,pp.9-36.
6John Herz,International Politics in the Atomic Age (Chicago,IL:Chicago Unirersity Press,1966),p.241.
7Paul Roe,"Misperception and Ethnic Conflict:Trans ylrania’s societal security drlemma",Review of International Studies,28/1(2002),p.58.
8以下这段论述请参阅Alan Collins,The Security Dilemma and the End of the Cold War,Edinburgh:Keele University Press,1997,pp.11-14,注3—9均转引自该书,不再注明。
10Barry Buzan,People,States and Fear:an agenda for international security studies in the post—Cold War era(Hemel Hempstead:Harvester Wheatsheaf,2nd ed.,1991),p.295.