目的 探讨Colles骨折所致的急性腕管综合症的治疗方法.方法 按Nissen-li对Colles骨折的分型标准,对17例Colles骨折所致急性腕管综合症的患者,Ⅰ、Ⅳ型采取非手术疗法,Ⅱ、Ⅲ型及非手术疗法无效者采取手术治疗.结果 非手术组4例神经功能完全恢复;手术组13例中有10例神经功能完全恢复,2例因神经嵌压时间较长,1例因神经挫伤较重,神经功能部分恢复.结论 对于Colles骨折所致急性腕管综合症者,Ⅰ、Ⅳ型骨折适合于非手术疗法,Ⅱ、Ⅲ型骨折适合于手术治疗.治疗措施应尽早采取,以防贻误治疗时机.
ve To discuss treatment of carpal canal syndrome caused by Colles fracture. Methods According to the standard typing of carpal canal syndrome proposed by Nissen-li, 17 patients who suffered from acute carpal canal syndrome caused by Colles fracture, style Ⅰ and Ⅳ took non-operation treatment, style Ⅱ Ⅲ and ineffective patients of non-operation group took an operation. Results Nerve function of four in non-operation group completely recovered, while ten of thirteen in operation group got recovered and the other three only partly recovered due to a long pressing on nerve or serious damage to nerve. Conclusion To acute carpal canal syndrome caused by Colles fracture, style I and IV are suitable for non-operation treatment , while style II and III are fit for operation cure. The curing measures should be taken as soon as possible, in case the chance of cure putting off.
Journal of Practical Hand Surgery