本文讨论了法国当代重要的两个思想家福柯和德里达的一次争论。福柯在其著作《古典时代的疯癫史》中 ,通过解读笛卡儿的一段论述 ,将理性与疯癫对立起来 ,认为理性排斥了疯癫。在古典时期 ,无论是在现实中 ,还是在哲学中 ,理性总是疯癫的对立面 ,它们是一个对立的二元结构。德里达则批评了福柯对笛卡儿的解读 ,他将福柯视作结构主义的代表进行了抨击。德里达自己则将疯癫和理性的关系视作是延异关系 ,说到底 ,这是解构论向结构主义发起的最初攻击。
This paper discusses a famous debate between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. In The History of Insanity in the Age of Reason , through a reading of Descartes, Foucault established reason and madness as a binary opposition. According to Foucault, reason excludes madness both in reality and in philosophy. But Derrida disagreed with this point and criticized Foucault's structuralist reading of Descartes. Derrida treated the relation between reason and madness as that of difference. What Derrida did, in the last analysis, is the first attack from deconstructionism onto structuralism.
Foreign Literature Studies