
壳多糖中药复方对生长期大鼠体重和血脂水平的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Diet Containing Chitosan and Herb Extraction on the Weights and Blood Lipids Level of Rats in Anaplasis
摘要 目的 :观察壳多糖中药复方对生长期大鼠体重和血脂水平的影响。方法 :实验动物分4组 :A组 (正常对照组 )、B组 (高脂对照组 )、C组 (壳多糖组 )、D组 (壳多糖中药复方组 )。饲养 4周后检测各组动物体重等生长发育指标和血清脂质。结果 :(1)体重和尾长 :各组动物饲后均有不同程度的增加 ,尤其是C组明显 ,与A组和B组有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。 (2 )TG :B组显著高于A、D和C组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;D组TG最低 ,与A、C组也有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。 (3)HDL c和HDL c TC :D组明显增高 ,与B组、C组比较有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :一定量的壳多糖摄入对生长期动物发育无影响 ,同时使血TG水平降低 ,壳多糖中药复方减肥降脂作用明显优于单纯使用壳多糖 ,并使HDL Object:To explore the weights and blood lipids level of rats in anaplsis how to be affected by the diet with chitosan and Chinese traditional herb extraction as additives.Method:The rats model of high blood lipids has been established in the laboratory and the animals being divided into four groups:Group A(Normal control);Group B(High lipids control);Group C(Chitosan diet);Group D(Chitosan and herb extraction diet),then given different diet for four weeks accordingly.The development index,such as weights and tail length of rats have been measured respectively in the starting point and the end while the serum lipids measured in the end.Results:(1)Weights:all four groups of rats gaining weight but in different manner,Group C laying on much notable,having significant difference ( P<0 05 ) with Group A and B.(2)TG:Group B is evidently higher than all three other Groups ( P<0 05 );Group D having the lowest TG and with obviously different from Group A and Group C( P<0 05 ).(3)HDL c and HDL c/TC:Group D has the highest level and being obviously different from Group B and C( P<0 05 ).Conclusion:There were no harmful influence of absorbing a certain quantity of chitosan on the growth of rats in anaplasis,and the serum TG level of which in the same times being lowered.Complex prescription of chitosan with the Chinese traditional herb extraction has higher effects of both reducing serum lipids as well as the weights and rising the LDL c level than the chitosan solely.
出处 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期41-43,共3页 JOURNAL OF BASIC CHINESE MEDICINE
关键词 大鼠 壳多糖 中药复方 体重 血脂 Rats Chitosan Chinese traditional herb extraction Weight lipids
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