从音系分析的角度看,各种类型的元音和谐可以归纳成腭和谐、舌根位置和 谐、舌位高度和谐、唇状和谐、鼻化和谐和卷舌和谐。有关无音和谐本质的各种传统 观点难以充分概括元音和谐的类型、形式以及音系机制的多样性及复杂性。元音和 谐的结构类型特点、谱系特点和地域特点之间表现出错综复杂的关系。
The paper proposes that various phonetically described types of vowel harmony (VH) be possibly analyzed as palatal, tongue-root, tongue height, rounding, nasal and retroflex VH systems where the harmonic features in each of the types are concerned. It demonstrates that a significant VH typology may be based on the phonological features rather than on the areal or genetic properies. It also shows that varoius traditional views on the nature of VH find themselves difficult in accounting for the phenomenon if the formal properties and the mechanisms involved in the types are taken into consideration.
Minority Languages of China