细察西方悲剧理论史 ,我们可以发现 ,亚里斯多德的悲剧理论强调故事情节的营构是悲剧的灵魂 ,但并不能因此就断定亚氏是一个结构主义者 ,就与以伦理冲突结构悲剧理论的黑格尔适成相反。实际上 ,在理论的深层 ,无论是悲剧人物的过失论 ,还是悲剧情节的有机整体论 ,抑或悲剧效果的净化说 ,都表现出亚里斯多德的悲剧理论孕含着伦理观念和道德精神的追求。因此 ,亚氏和黑氏虽然一从情节视角展开理论建构 ,一从伦理冲突形成理论框架 。
If we pay close attention to the history of the western tragic theory,we may find that Aristotles tragic theory emphasizes that the construction of a story plot is tragedys soul. But we should not draw the conclusion that Aristotle is a structuralist, and that he is just opposite to Hegel whose tragic theory emphasizes ethical conflicts. In fact, whether it is the faulty theory of tragic characters, or the organic theory of the tragic plot, or the purifying theory of tragic effect, they all show that Aristotles tragic theory contains the pursuit of ethical outlook and moral sentiment in a deeper theoretical sense. Aristotle develops theoretical construction from the pesrpective of plot, while Hegel forms theoretical structure with ethical conflicts. What they share in common is the ethical essence they have demonstrated in their works.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages