本文用ABC法对乳腺癌和乳腺良性病变的组织进行PCNA、C-erbB-2、ER和PR检测。15例乳腺癌中PCNA均为阳性,C-erbB-28例阳性,ER11例阳性,PR6例阳性。15例良性病变中,PCNA2例阳性,C-erbB-22例阳性。PCNA和C-erbB-2在良恶性乳腺组织的表达,经统计学X ̄2检验有显著意义(P<0.01)。指出PCNA和C-erbB-2可反映细胞增殖情况,与临床病理结合可帮助乳癌的早期诊断和预后估价。为对患者的综合治疗提供理论依据。
CNA,C-erbB-_2,ER and PR of breast cancer and benign breast
lesionswere measured byusing ABC method.Among the patients with
breast cancer,15 cases showed a positiveexpression of PCNA,8 cases of
C-erbB-_2,11 cases of ER and 6 cases of PR. But among 15patients with
benign breast lesions,2 cases showed a positive expression of PCNA
and 2cases of C-erbB-_2. For the cases with breast cancer and benign
breast lesions, the expressionsof PCNA and C-erbB-_2 were
significantly different(P<0. 01).With the help of
clinicalpathology,PCNA and C-erbB-_2 can be used in early diagnosis
and prognosis of breast cancerand provide the theoretical evidence
for the general treatment.
Cancer Research and Clinic