用Low Shear-30流变仪测定了350例健康成年人(男178名,女172名)和211名健康儿童(男108名,女103名)于血细胞压积自然状态下的血液粘弹性参数和有关流变参数:复粘度的粘性分量q’和弹性分量n”、剪切弹性模量G’、在0石125-‘和51.ZS-‘下全血表观粘度(n。。;。、n。;。)、释氧系数(OD)、纤维蛋白原和血浆粘度(n。)。将男女受试者按年龄分成9组:I组,新生儿(生后1—7天);I组,l--x岁;互组,5—9岁;N组,10—15岁;v组,17—29岁;v组,30—39岁;w组,40—49岁;贝组;50-59岁;辽组,大于60岁。探讨年龄对全血粘弹特性参数和其他流变参数的影响。结果征明新生儿组处于血液高粘滞状态,He丁,n。。;:,儿;.1,丫、丫、0’明显高于其他各组;而刀、巨组处于血液低粘滞状态,上述各参数低于其他各组;I-互组血液粘弹性参数无性别差异;w组才出现男女性别差异;在卜亚组,男性血液的丫、门”、G’、n。。;。、n。;.:明显高于女性组,女性组血液的ODk于男性组,纤维蛋白原和*。男女两组间无差异。纤维蛋白原和nP随年龄增长而增高;HCT、n。。;:、门s:。在男子第伍组比 V-w组明显降低,在女子第可组这些参数高于第R组。OD在第卜皿组均无慑别差异,在第可组达闻峰,且女子组OD值高于男子组而后随年龄增长几乎平行地降低。n’在男?
The authors measured blood viscoelastical and other rheological para-
meters of 350 healthy adults (172 females, 178 males ) and 211 healthy ch-
ildren (103 girls, 108 boys ) at natural hematocrit state with Lowshear 3C
sinus rheometer. The parameters include viscous component(η') and elas-
tic component (η' ) of complex viscosity, shear elastic modulus G', ap-
parent viscosity of whole blood at 0.512 sec-1(η0.512) and 51 .2 sec-1(η51.2),
oxygen delivery coefficient (OD), fibrinogen and plasma viscosity (ηp ).
The male and female subjects were grouped in terms of age: Group I,
newborns (1-7days after birth ); Group Ⅱ, 1-4 years of age; GroupⅢ,5-
9 years old; Group Ⅳ, 10-15 years; Group V, 17-29 yearsl Group Ⅵ,
30-39 years; Oroup Ⅶ, 40-49 years; Group Ⅷ, 50-59 yearsl Group Ⅸ,
older than 60 years. The effects of age on viscoelasticity and other rheo-
logical parameters of blood were investigated. The results demonstrated
that the newborn group is in hyperviscosity condition and their HCT,
η0.512, η51.2, η',η' and G' were significantly higher than the other groups.
Group Ⅱ andⅢ are in hypoviscosity situation and their rheological pa-
rameters are obviously lower than the other groups.There was no difference
of viscoelastic parameters between boys and girls in Group I-Ⅲ. Only in
Group Ⅳ showed differences of viscoelastic parameters between young boys
and girls. In Group V-Ⅸ,males show higher values of η', η', G', η0.512,
η51.2 of blood than those of females. There was no significant difference
between fibrinogen and plasma viscosity of both sexes. However, fibrin-
ogen and plasma viscosity increased with age. The values of HCT, η0.512,
η51.2 in males of Group Ⅸ are obviously lower than those in Group V-Ⅶ,
while those in females of Group V are higer than those of Oroup Ⅸ.
The values of OD in Group I-Ⅳ show no differcnce between boys and gi-
rls, but the values of OD of females are higher than those of males in
Group V-Ⅸ. The parameters in Group V reached the peak value and then
decreased with age in Group Ⅵ-Ⅸ,except for η' of both sexes reaching
the peak value in Group Ⅶ and Ⅷ. The values of η' and G' in males of
Group Ⅷ and females of Group V were higher that those of other groups
except for newborn group. This study demonstrated that in human the
age can definitely affect the viscoelastic and other rheologic parameters
of whole blood. The study also provides the normal range of viscoelasti-
city of whole blood in different age groups for reference and clinical use
of these parameters.
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering