辛亥革命时期 ,伍廷芳与孙中山革命党人的关系经历了一个由合作至疏远的过程。伍廷芳这位仕清近 30年的封建高官之所以在辛亥革命期间加入到资产阶级革命的行列 ,是偶然性与必然性的统一。就其自身原因而言 ,建立资产阶级共和国的政治信念和清政府的愚顽不化 ,导致了他投向革命。这也是伍廷芳与孙中山革命党人合作的大前提。而革命党人主动邀请伍廷芳入盟 ,既是资产阶级革命派片面政治主张的产物 ,也是基于伍廷芳广泛的海内外影响 ,更是当时沪鄂相争的需要。双方的合作 ,加速了中华民国南京临时政府的建立。但在实施治国方案问题上 ,双方存有分歧。对“宋汉章案”、“姚荣泽案”的不同处理意见 ,最终导致了伍廷芳与孙中山革命党人关系的疏远。
During the 1911 Revolution, Wu Tingfang’s relations with the revolutionaries went through gradually moved from cooperation to alienation. As a feudal high official who had served the Qing government for thirty years, Wu Tingfang’s entry into the ranks of bourgeois revolution was a union of contingency and necessity. On his side, his political convictions in favor of establishing a bourgeois republic and against the Qing government’s stupidity and stubbornness led him to join the revolution. This was also the major premise for Wu’s cooperation with Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries. That the revolutionaries took the initiative to invite Wu to join them was due on the one hand to the effect of the bourgeois revolutionaries’ biased political propoganda, and on the other to Wu’s great influence at home and abroad. But most of all it was due to the demands of the struggle between Shanghai and Hubei. Wu’s cooperation with the revolutionaries hastened the establishment of the Nanjing provisional government of the Republic of China. However, they had differences over how to govern the country. Their differing opinions over handling the “Song Haizhang Case” and “Yao Zerong Case” finally led to alienation between Wu and Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionaries.
Modern Chinese History Studies