随着日本资本主义的发展 ,无产阶级队伍的壮大和马克思主义思想的广泛传播 ,资产阶级史学的发展和无产阶级斗争的需要成为了日本马克思主义史学产生的历史背景。从 2 0世纪 2 0年代后半期到 3 0年代后半期 ,马克思主义史学在日本经历了产生、发展和完善以及被日本法西斯政府彻底封杀的三个阶段。日本的马克思主义史学和资产阶级史学派别不仅有本质的区别 ,而且还有许多新的特点。
The gradually increasing stream of the proletariats, the widely spreading idea of Marxism, the development of the Capitalism Historiography and the need of the proletariats' struggle has become the background of the Marxism Historiography of the modern Japanese history with the development of Japanese capitalism. The Marxism Historiography has undergone three phrases from the late 1920s to the late 1930s. The three phrases are its growth and development, its perfect and the completely deceasing of the Japanese fascism goverment. The historiography of the Japanese Marxism and Capitalism Historiography have both some essential differences and many new characteristics.
Journal of Historiography