敦煌、吐鲁番累计出土随葬衣物疏 62件 ,其中 2 0件随葬衣物疏文中载有“脚靡 (、、米 )” ,并与“履”或与“靴”或与“”共同书写于 1件随葬衣物疏上。对于“脚靡 (、、米 )”曾有学者进行过研究 ,认为是“护脚布” ,或称“脚披”。对此 ,我们有不同看法提出来供学术界讨论。
There are totally 62 pieces of Report List of Burial Object found among Dunhuang and Turfan Documents. Among them, the term of 'Jiao Mi (脚靡 ) ' had been appeared on 20 pieces of Report List of Burial Object,together with the characters of liu(履) or xue(靴) and xue(革[KG-3]华),those items has appeared on one list at the same time. The definition of this item(Jiao mi) character have been studied by scholars and it has been considered as a term referring to the cloth to protect the feet. This article had a different opinion to its definition to be discussed.
Dunhuang Research