美国Smith& Loveless公司的比氏(Pista)沉砂池和英国Jones& Attword公司的钟氏(Jeta)沉砂池是近年来应用日益广泛的两种圆形沉砂池.作者以投标资料为依据,阐明了这两种沉砂池的特点,从基本原理、结构、运行效率、管理和经济性方面对两者进行了比较,认为比氏沉砂池明显优于钟氏沉砂池.并指出,待广州大坦沙污水处理厂的比氏沉砂池和天津无缝钢管厂的钟氏沉砂池取得运行资料后,孰优孰劣将自有公论.
Pista of Smith & Loveless, USA and Jeta of Johns & Attword, UK are two types of grit chambers in round shape widely used recently. On the basis of tender- ing informations the specifications of this two kinds of grit chambers, including the basic principles, structures, operating effectiveness, management and economical features have been compared and it is shown that the Pista is better than Jeta evidently. However the final conclusion will be drawn when the performance findings of Pista in Datansha wastewater treatment Plant in Guangzhou, Guangdong province and the Jeta in Tianjin Seamless Steel Tube Plant in Tianjin are obtained.
Water & Wastewater Engineering