In order to solve the problem in attempting to compare the EEG spec-trum results
derived from different laboratories with different recording parameters and EEG sample
length, a concept of EEG specific power(EEG-SP) which is defined as the power per unit
frequency, and the method of its calculation are presented in this paper.The calculating
procedures of EEG-SP are as follows.(1) Reducing the amplitude of recorded EEG signal to the
level at recording electrode so that the effects of gain differ-ence during amplification and A/D
conversion are eliminated.(2) The powers at eachfrequency node for the selected EEG sample
length(e.g., 2 or 4 seconds) are derived us-ing a Fast Hartley Transform algorithm (FHT) which
is equivalent to FFT but more con-venient for real number series.(3) Specific powers are
derived by the proposed integra-tion method.(4) The calculated specific powers are expressed
in dB via a logarithmictransform.(5) The correcting value for mean power is added to
compensate the energyleakage due to limited freguency resolution during FHT calculation. For
convenience ofcalcuiation, sampling rate of 256 or 512 per second during A/D conversion is
recom-mended.As examples ,the specific power spectra(SPS) were calculated by using the
methoddescribed for two types of EEG data with alpha or beta dominance. In each case as
shownin Fig. 3 and Fig.4, the EEG-SPSs calculated with 1,2 or 4 second sample length
arehighly comparable both in the peak positions and the absolute power levels. Therefore,itis
concluded that the method described in the present paper provides a sound basis for
thecomparisons of EEG power spectrum data collected from different laboratories under
dif-ferent conditions and at different times.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
electroencephalogram, power spectrum,
spectrum analysis, EEG spe-cific power spectrum