自从1985年以来,美国的战略防御计划(SDI)已经发展成为美国历史上最大的一项国防研究计划,它的规模大,成本高,技术复杂。在过去四年中它已经花费了160多亿美元。SDI计划虽然得到布什政府强有力的支持,而且在国会也有许多支持者,但这项计划仍处于关键时刻。 本文较详细地介绍了SDI计划的发展情况及其降低研制成本的途径。
The USA's Strategic Defence Initiative Program has grown to be the largest defence research effort in US history. More than $ 16 billion has been spent on it in the last four years. The SDI program, although receiving strong Bush Administration backing and many supporters in Congress, faces an uncertain future for politics and finance.This article describes the past and future of the SDI program and how its phase 1 costs came down.