本文主要对加压曝气工艺、设备等进行初步研究及探索,并取得了良好的效果.试验结果表明:加压曝气是高效生物处理装置,在压力为0.2MPa的时候,停留时间为6h的条件下,能够稳定运转,并且容积负荷达3kgCOD/m ̄3·d,COD去除率达80%以上.
This article is on the fundamental research alld discussien on the process and installation of aeration with pressure. The result shows that aeration with pressure is a high efficient installation for biological tyeatment,eg,under 0.2mpa and 6 hours refaintime,It runs stable and its volume load can be up to 3kgCOD/m3.d, COD degradation ration above 80 percent.
Environmental Protection Science