Let G be a simple finite graph, k+1(G) the set of independent sets of cardinality (k+1) of G. If Y∈k+l (G), denote si(Y) =|{v;|N(v)∩Y|=i}|(is∈{0,1, 2,…, k+1}). For k ≥ 2, a non-negative rational sequence η= (a1, a2,…, ak+1) is called k-H-nice ((k+1)-HC-nice), if for evely k-connected graph G ((k+1)-connected graph G*) for each Y impliesthat G is hamiltonian (G* is hamilton connected). By discussing the maximal cycles, we obtain some basic lcmmas which can be applied to both hamiltonian and hamilton connected problems.This idea enables us to prose the main result of this paper Ifη satisfics (i) a1≤1,(ii) for arbitrary i1, i2,…,ih ∈ {2, 3,…, k+1},implies then ηis k-H-nice and (k+1)-HC-nice. This result generalizesseveral sufficient conditions for graphs to be hamiltonian or hamilton connected.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)