Twenty-eight rabbits were divided into 3 groups at random,wit-h 8 control, 8 acute crain ischemia and 12 electroacupuncture. In order to reduce rabbit blood pressure in the brain quickly and creat an animal model of acute brain ischemia arteria carotis communis on both side got clipped.The concentration of cAMP, cGMP and A Ⅱ in the b-rain and plasma were detected at control, acute brain ischemia and lien zhong' Point acupnnctured. The result showed that the concentratton of cAMP, cGMP and the ratio of cAMP/cGMP reduced and the concentration of A fⅡ in the brain reduced but in the plasma increased at acute brain ischemla. That A Ⅱ and cAMP were significantly increased in the brain and plasma after electroacupuncture provided a sien-tific basis for treating brain vessel emergency with acupuncture in clinical.