Xu Xiake (1587-1641) whose original name was Hong Zu is both a famous, expedi-
tionary traveller and a geographer. Based on practical measurement, he described the fea-
tures of the geographical environment in a comprehensive way, showed the relationship of the
elements in the geographical environment and compared the regional characteristics with each
other. In this way he broke away from the blocade of the classical geography and promoted
the geography of China once to enter the primitive stage of the modern geography. He is the
geographer making the greatest contributions to the independent. cultural development of China
before the western science and technology were introduced to the east.
When we look back on the study of Xu Xiake, it can be divided into tive stages.
First, the exploring stage of the initiaI modern geography.
Second, the stage of collecting proofreading, correcting and evaluating the scattered and
lost part of The Travels of Xu Xiake.
Third, the stage of study in the view point of and in the way of modern geography.
Fourth, the stage of comprehensive study against a background of the beginning of the ca-
pitalist economy at the end of Ming Dynasty.
Fifth, the stage of complete and comprehensive study for recent several years
When we look ahead, we study the following:
First, taking geography as a center, continuously open up a new field of study.
Second, with the help of The Travels of Xu Xiake to restore the geographical environment
at that time, compare it with that of today and find out the trend and direction of changes of
the geographical environment.
Third, go on exploring the original information concerned.
Fourth, taking Xu Xiake as an example. study the spirits of the traditional intellectuals of
Acta Geographica Sinica
:Independent cultural system, Classical geography
Modern geography
Restore the geographical environment of ancient times
Look backoon
Look ahead to