用HinfI酶切,随机引物法标记的M13mp18DNA作探针,对无关小鼠个体及一个小鼠家系三代进行了DNA指纹分析,无关个体平均每个个体得到14条谱带(>4kb)。无关个体具有相同指纹图概率为9×10 ̄(-8),显示高度个体材异性,对小鼠家系内后代与亲本图谱进行了比较,表明图谱特征按孟德尔方式遗传。对家系内个体间遗传相似度D进行了计算,亲缘关系近则D值高,据此对本技术在动物个体识别,亲缘关系分析等方面的应用进行了讨论。
Hypervairable polymorphic patterns are detected with Hinf I digestion and phage M13DNA as a probe in genomic DNA of Mice,14 minisatellite-containing DNA fragments are observed perindividual.The probability that two unrelated indivduals have identical pattern is 9 ×10 ̄(-8) ,showingthat the DNA fingerprints are individual specific,Comparison of the bending pettern of offsprings withtheir parents in a known mouse’s family reveals that patterns are inherited as stable traits. The valuesof D(Genetic similarity ) are calculated among the individuals in the mouse’ s family, Ds are higherwhen the genetic relationship is closer.The application of this technique in animal genetic analysis,suchas individual indentification , peternity teeting and strain analysis ,are also disacused.
Journal of Southwest Nationalities College(Natural Science Edition)