Eighteen cases of midline Non- Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas were studied using electron
mi- croscopy. The results indicated that 1 6 cases,of midline Non- Hodgkin's malignant ly
mphomas were Tcell lymphomas and the other 2 cases were Bcell lymphomas.According to
project of clinical classifi-eation about Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma,14 cases were pleomorphism
type;the other 4 cases were hyalocyte((clear cell)small lymphocyte schistocyte and
un-schistocyte type。There were deforma-tional and richer endoplasmic reticulum(ER)in large
and medium cells of the pleomorphism and its mitochon drion expended and mitochondrial
crista reduced or disappeared.The exu berant protein oflarge cell was to be compound in which
showin8 (appearing)larger nudeus,clearner nucleolus andricher autosome。The more there
were large and medium cells in tumour tissue,the more malig nanttumour was.The large and
medium cells were main cell of hga locyte type existing a ball un-schisto-cyte had unregular
cell process,and formed follicle structure. The structure would control diffusion oftumour cells
on the contrary,non-follicular type is more malignant than follicular type at spread oflymphoma.