
川西亚高山原始云杉林内降雨分配研究 被引量:44

Throughfall and Stemflow in a Primary Spruce Forest in the Subalpine of Western Sichuan
摘要 The characteristics of throughfall and stemflow over one growing season were studied in a dark coniferous forest in the subalpine of the Western Sichuan. The results indicated that: 1) The distribution of precipitation by canopy was more relative to the rainfall, the higher the rainfall was, the more the throughfall and stemflow were, and the less the interception was; 2) The relationships between throughfall (T) and total rainfall (P) could be described significantly by a linear function (T=0.744P-0.937, R 2=0.954, p<0.001), while the reationship between crown interception (I) and total rainfall by a power function (I=0.759P 0.666, R 2=0.763, p<0.001); 3) The average canopy interception accounted for 35.8% of total rainfall and the average throughfall for 64.2%, and the average stemflow for 0.01%; 4) High water_hold capacity of moss on the surface of tree trunk and low rainfall intensity were the main reasons that the stemflow of the coniferous forest in the subalpine of Western Sichuan was less than other forests. The characteristics of throughfall and stemflow over one growing season were studied in a dark coniferous forest in the subalpine of the Western Sichuan. The results indicated that: 1) The distribution of precipitation by canopy was more relative to the rainfall, the higher the rainfall was, the more the throughfall and stemflow were, and the less the interception was; 2) The relationships between throughfall (T) and total rainfall (P) could be described significantly by a linear function (T=0.744P-0.937, R 2=0.954, p<0.001), while the reationship between crown interception (I) and total rainfall by a power function (I=0.759P 0.666, R 2=0.763, p<0.001); 3) The average canopy interception accounted for 35.8% of total rainfall and the average throughfall for 64.2%, and the average stemflow for 0.01%; 4) High water_hold capacity of moss on the surface of tree trunk and low rainfall intensity were the main reasons that the stemflow of the coniferous forest in the subalpine of Western Sichuan was less than other forests.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期198-201,共4页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 由国家自然科学基金"重大研究计划"项目 (No.90 2 0 2 0 10 ) 中芬国际合作项目 (No.3 0 2 1113 0 5 0 4) 中国科学院"百人计划"项目(No.0 12 0 0 10 8B)共同资助。
关键词 川西亚高山 云杉 降雨 分配 配研 研究 throughfall stemflow canopy interception spruce forest
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