多元信息成矿预测是一种高效、高质量的找矿勘查方法,代表了当今找矿评价工作中的主流发展趋势,该方法是以 成矿地质理论为指导、以地物化遥异常理论为依托、借助数学方法和计算机技术对地物化遥异常中的各种与矿床有关的信息 进行量化分析,从而进行成矿预测的一种找矿勘查技术方法。本研究的重点是应用矿产资源评价系统,分析和运用研究区的 地质、地球化学和地球物理信息,构造预测变量,将各种有利于矿床形成的变量进行成矿有利度得分和多源信息综合定量分 析,在此基础上,综合分析东昆仑地区地质、矿产、地球物理和地球化学信息,根据已知矿床反映出的成矿规律、控矿条件及找 矿标志建立找矿模型,对东昆仑地区进行了1:50万综合成矿预测,获得Sedex型矿床在东昆仑地区的成矿有利度分布,并圈 定出找矿远景区。为东昆仑地区找矿预测提供了重要依据。
Multi-info metallogenic prognosis, as an efficient tool for ore prospecting, represents a modern trend in deposit assessment worldwide. The system, aiming at metallogenic prognosis, is directed by metallogenic principle, supported by geological, geochemical and remote sensing principleson the corresponding anomalies, by mathematical measures and computing techniques to quantitatively analyse all data relevant to ore deposit from all concerning anomalies. The key of the study lies on the analysis on and utilization of geological, geochemical, geophysical data and tectonic prognosis variables in the area of interest, using the Mineral Resources Assessing System (MRAS), to rank the metallogenic favorableness of the potential variables for the formation of oredeposits. A prospecting model is set up based on the analysis in various kinds of data in the area, and on the metallogenic laws drawn from the existing deposit, its controlling factors and indicators for deposit. The metallogenic prognosis for East Kunlun region is integratedly conducted at a scale of 1:500,000, and the metallogenic favorableness distribution pattern is derived for Sedex-style deposit, with the outline of targeting areas, thus offering valuable clews for deposit prospecting in the region.
Acta Geoscientica Sinica