学校体育伤害事故时有发生 ,从分析学校体育伤害事故的原因入手 ,结合相关的法律规定对承担责任的主体、原则、责任认定标准及学校体育伤害事故处理的程序进行论述 ,为今后学校体育伤害事故纠纷的顺利解决提供参考。
The P.E. hurt accidents often happen in school,the article first analyses the reasons about P.E. hurt accident in school;Sceondly,incorporting with the pertinent law rules,the article discusses these matters such as the man undertaking the duty,principle,duty ascertaining's level and the procedure of disposal accident.It provides a reference to resolve the contradiction of P.E. hurt accident successful in school in future.
Journal of Jilin Sport University