
纵隔髓外造血组织增生的影像表现(附2例报告并文献复习) 被引量:25

Imaging Findings of Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in Mediastinum:Two Cases Report and Literature Review
摘要 目的 探讨纵隔髓外造血组织增生 (EMH)的影像表现 ,提高影像诊断水平 ,减少误诊。资料与方法 报告 2例EMH病例 ,结合文献对该病的病因、病理、影像表现及诊断、鉴别诊断进行讨论。结果  2例EMH正位X线胸片表现为下胸段脊柱旁向肺野突出的类圆形阴影。CT扫描为中下段胸椎旁单侧或双侧出现多发半圆形或分叶状软组织块影 ,病变边缘光滑 ,密度均匀 ;增强扫描呈轻或中度均匀强化。结论 EMH的影像表现有一定的特征 ,X线。 Objective To investigate the imaging findings of extramedullary hematopoiesis in mediastinum (EMH), and to improve the diagnostic level of EMH. Materials and Methods The etiology, pathology, imaging findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of two cases with EMH were reviewed.Results X-ray findings of conventional chest film of EMH were appeared with round-like shadows which located at the side of lower thoracic vertebral segment, and round-like or lobulated multiple masses on unilateral or bilateral middle-lower vertebral segment on plain CT scanning, the masses with smooth edges and equal density. On contrast enhancement CT scanning, the masses were shown with slight or mild homogeneous enhancement.Conclusion EMH have special imaging findings, which can be diagnosed by X-ray and CT scanning combined with clinical manifestations.
作者 陆建常
出处 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期225-228,共4页 Journal of Clinical Radiology
关键词 影像表现 造血组织 纵隔 增生 文献复习 CT扫描 诊断 增强扫描 资料 Mediastinum Extramedully hematopoiesis Hyperplasia Imaging finding
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