目的:利用人类幽门螺杆菌(H pylori)感染的小鼠模型研究黏附素保守区(AB)疫苗在预防与治疗H pylori感染的作用. 方法:实验分为预防与治疗两部分.预防部分把实验动物无特定致病菌C57BL/6小白鼠分成4组,分别通过灌胃方法给予AB(100μg)加CT(2 μg)、生理盐水、单纯AB(1 00 μg)、单纯CT(2 μg),1次/wk,共4次. 2 wk后再用活H pylori灌胃,再4 wk后处死动物.治疗部分把已感染H pylori的小白鼠分成4组,分组与治疗方法同预防部分,治疗结束后4 wk处死动物.取胃黏膜行半定量细菌培养检查H pylori情况. 结果:预防实验的保护率分别为AB加CT61.5%(16/26), 单纯AB、单纯CT和PBS保护率均为0.AB加CT治疗组H pylori根除率为:38.5%(1 0/26),生理盐水组、单纯AB、单纯CT组均无治疗作用.治疗组未根除H pylori的小鼠,疫苗组H pylori的定植密度明显低于其他4组(P<0.05). 结论:由AB加免疫佐剂组成的口服疫苗,不仅有预防H pylori感染的作用,同时也有根除已感染的H pylori 的作用.AB可用于H pylori疫苗的研制.
AIM: To investigate the effects of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) adhesin conservatory region vaccine in the prevention and treatment of H pylori infection in a mouse model. METHODS: The study was divided into two parts. In the first part, the specific germ free C57BL/6 mice were orally immunized with vaccine (100 μg) plus cholera toxin (CT) (2 μg), vaccine (100 μg), CT(2 μg), or PBS once a week for four weeks. Two weeks after the last immunization, all animals were challenged by live H pylori, and were sacrificed 4 weeks after the challenge. In the second part, H pylori infected mice were treated in the same way as in the first part. Four weeks after the last treatment, all animals were sacrificed, and the stomach biopsies were collected to detect H pylori by the semi-quantitative bacterial culture assay. RESULTS: The prophylactic rate from H pylori infection was 61.5% (16/26) in the mice immunized with vaccine plus CT. The eradication rate of the vaccine plus CT group was 38.5% (10/26). No protective or therapeutic effect was observed in all other 3 groups. The H pylori colony density in the vaccine plus CT group was significantly lower than those inother three groups in the second part of experiment (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The vaccine consisting of adhesin conservatory region and adjuvant is not only effective in the prevention, but also in the treatment of H pylori infection.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology