目的 治疗尺桡骨干双骨折。方法 手法复位后用小夹板加石膏托外固定。结果 在治疗的 86例患者中 ,优 65例 ,占75 .6 % ,良 1 8例 ,占 2 0 .9% ,差 3例 ,占 3 .5 % ,总优良率为 96 .5 %。结论 该方法吸取了手法复位后单用小夹板外固定及单用石膏托外固定各自的长处 ,克服了其各自的缺点 ,使大多数尺桡骨干双骨折的患者通过手法复位外固定而达到骨折愈合及恢复良好的前臂旋转功能 ,是治疗尺桡骨干双骨折的较好方法。
Objective To explore the treatment of both ulna and radius fracture. Methods We had used erternal splintage and plaster after the reduction by hand. Results The effect of the total 86 patients were excellent in 65 (75.6%), fine in 18 (20.9%) and poor in 3 , the excellent and fine rate was 96.5%. Conclusion The method combined advantages of both external splintage and plaster after the reduction by hand may avoid the inadequacy and make majority patients cured and recovered in a good function of forearm to gyrate movement. It is an applicable method in the treatment of both ulna and radius fracture.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine