目标管理是适应时代要求的教育、管理模式。高职班级实施目标管理 ,是形势的需要 ,有助于将高职生培养成具有良好的思想政治素质、道德素质和良好的心理品质 ,具有较强的综合能力的应用型人才 ,有助于高职学生综合素质和能力的提高。高职班级目标管理工作 ,要遵循系统性原则、自我管理原则、全面激励原则和实效性原则。在目标制定、目标实施和目标成果评价的三个阶段中 ,班主任起到了不可缺少的作用。
Target management is the educational and managerial pattern that mee ts the requirements of times. To meet the demands of situations, target manage m ent can enable high vocational students to become high vocational practical tale nts with good ideological, moral and psychological qualifies and strong comprehe nsive abilities. Target management of high vocational class should be based on t he principles of systematicness,practicality,self- management and all-round enco uragement class advisers can play the unique role in the three stages of goal-s etting,goal enforcement and goal accomplishment.
Journal of Zhejiang Institute of Communications