科技查新是对科技成果科学管理的深化,它有助于领导决策和对科学研究水平的评价,有助于对科技质量管理的程序化、正规化;是充分发挥图书情报部门职能的有效途径,把情报服务推向更高层次,有利于促进科技情报信息资源的开发,更加有效地发挥科技情报工作的参谋、耳目和尖兵作用。通过查新不仅可以解脱科研人员查阅文献资料的困扰,防止重复研究,而且可以减少科技成果评奖时单凭专家评论的主观误差,保证成果评奖质量。通过查新可以促进研究人员和图书情报人员进行密切合作,使情报工作和情报人员真正成为科学研究和科研队伍的组成部分,有利于情报工作价值体现,有利于激发情报人员的责任感、使命感和荣誉感。 但科技查新工作在我国还处于刚刚起步阶段,还有不少问题。
The significance and role of the evaluation of scientific and technological literature for application of research achievements are as follows: (l)It is the deepening of scientific man-agement of scientific and technological research achieviments; (2) It is the effecteve way to bring into full play the information functions of library and information units; (3)It is a strong guarantee of increasing the standard of scientific research; (4) It offers opportunities for librarians and in-formation personnel to .come into contact with scientific personnel. Since it is still in its initial stage, it has yet to be fruther perfected both from macro- and micro-analysis in the following as-pects: improvement of personnel quality, perfection of supporting system and its management, and drawing an objective conclusion from the evaluation.