
输尿管囊肿的腔内手术治疗(附16例报告) 被引量:6

Endoscopic operation of ureterocele (report of 16 cases)
摘要 目的总结经尿道输尿管囊肿腔内手术的诊治经验。方法16例患者术前均由B超、IVU或膀胱镜确诊。均行经尿道输尿管囊肿内切开或开窗术,对伴有囊内结石的5例同时行机械碎石术。结果16例手术一次成功,临床症状改善,肾积水减轻,感染得到控制,结石已排出。9例术后随访1~4年,平均2年,未见输尿管囊肿复发,无管口狭窄及反流。结论经尿道输尿管囊肿的腔内手术疗效显著,减少了手术创伤及术后并发症,缩短了手术及住院时间,现在已经被认为是治疗输尿管囊肿的首选方法,尤其是膀胱内型输尿管囊肿,为输尿管囊肿治疗开辟了新途径。 To summarize the diagnostic point and therapertic experience of transurethral endoscopic operation of ureteroceles. All patients were diagnosed by ultrasound, IVU and cystoscopy before operation. Transurethral endoscopic incisions or unroofing of ureteroceles was used in all cases,and mechanical lithotrity were carried out for 5 cases who had calculi inside ureterocele. All 16 cases succeeded in surgerys, clinical symptom ameliorated, hydronephrosis abated, infection was controlled, and calculi were discharged.7 cases were available for follow-up for a median period of over two years (range 1 to 4 years). There were no ureterocele relapse, ureteral orifice stricture and vesico-ureteral reflux. [Conclusion] Transurethral endoscopic operation of ureteroceles has remarkable curative effect, may lessen operative trauma and postsurgical complications, shorten surgical time and hospitalization stay. It has been recognized as the definitive procedure in many instances, particulary in patients with intravesical ureteroceles. It is a new approach with which to treat ureteroceles.
出处 《中国内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期7-8,12,共3页 China Journal of Endoscopy
关键词 输尿管囊肿 腔内手术 治疗 ureterocele endoscopic operation treatment
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