“牙”在现代汉语方言中尤其是官话区有作雄性讲的用法(限用于家畜) ,但“牙”并不是本字,本字应是“豭”。“牙”取代“豭”,与二字的读音相近及语音演变有关,还与二字的形体及人们使用语言文字的心理有关;时间在元明之际。
Ya (牙)has the usage of male in modern Chinese especially in North China(limited to tame animals). But its primitive character is not Ya (牙),but Jia (). Jia () was replaced by Ya (牙) mainly because of their similar pronunciations and phonic changes, concerning with their images and the people's mind of using them as well . The period of the replacement is about during Yuan (元) and Ming(明) period.
Journal of Suihua University