最近,母体甲状腺激素对胎儿神经智力发育的影响成为国际甲状腺学界的热点领域。母体甲状腺激素主要影响妊娠前20周胎儿的神经发育。目前有限的流行病学资料表明:这个时期母体的亚临床甲减如果没有被替代治疗,可以降低后代的智商7分。母体亚临床甲减的主要原因是自身免疫性甲状腺炎。基础研究也证实母体甲状腺激素在这个时期胎儿神经发育中的作用。流行病学调查显示普通女性人群的甲状腺自身抗体的阳性率是11. 0%;产后甲状腺炎的患病率是11. 9%。所以,建立对妊娠妇女亚临床甲减和自身免疫性甲状腺炎的筛查机制,对于保护妇女健康和提高儿童的智力素质都是必要的。
Recently, more and more attention have been paid to the impact of maternal thyroid hormones on neuropsychologic development of offspring. In the first 20 weeks of gestation, neuropsychologic development of the fetus is mostly dependent on thyroxine from the mother. Limited epidemiological data showed that full-scale WISC IQs averaged 7 points lower among children born to mothers with undiagnosed thyroid deficiency during pregnancy, in comparison with control children. The main cause of subclinical maternal hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis. Data from basic studies have confirmed the impacts of maternal thyroid hormones on the neurodevelopmental outcomes of offspring. In a Chinese female population, the positive rate of thyroid autoantibodies was 11.0%, and the prevalence of postpartum thyroiditis was 11.9%. Hence, it is necessary to set up a screening schedule for subclinical hypothyroidism and autoimmne thyroiditis in pregnant women, which is of great value for the health of both women and children.
Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism