二硝基氯苯滴背致敏后,经肛灌肠以制作病理模型。造模完成后12天内,36只大鼠中32只检见典型的结肠溃疡。以“肠道流体推进检测系统”发现,该期病鼠离体结肠的基础腔内压倾向降低、袋状运动紊乱;其推进行为异常有复合波节作过高、肠道运动功能衰弱、肛向推进出超三个类型;可解释有关结肠疾病大便改变的部分机制。造模后织13~50天为溃疡修复期,该期结肠运动倾向好转。药理实验显示,动脉灌注2×10 ̄(-5)mol/L白术羟内酯对病鼠节律过高的结肠推进行为有抑制作用;而2×10 ̄(-5)mol/L二氢黄酮B3则对运动功能减弱的结肠有动力作用。两者可从不同方向有效调整肠道功能;可供开发利用。
Used 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene(DNCB) to creat rat model with ulcerative colitis. From lst to 12th day after completing model-creation, ulcers in colons Of 32 rats and colitis of other 4 rats were found in the total 36 model rats(the phase of ulcer). And it was found that 3 types of abnormal fluid propulsive behaviours on isolated segments of colons from model rats in phase of ulcer──hyperrhythm, hypodynamia and hyper-aboral- output. The 13th to 50th day after completing modelcreation were the phase of ulcer repai- ring. In this phase, motility of isolated segments of colons from model rats was tended to recovery. Arterial infusion of 2×10 ̄(-5)mol/L Hydroxyatractylolide decreased the frequency and amplitude of propulsive complexes of ulcerative colon which was primarily hyperrhy- thm, and arterial infusion of 2×10 ̄(-5)mol/L Dihydroflavone B3 enhanced basal lumen pres- sure, increased the frequency and amplitude of propulsive complexes of ulcerative colon which was primarily hypodynamia.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology