3Bhubhindar Singh, "ASEAN's Perception of Japan: Change and Contunity," Asian Survey, Vol. XLII, No. 2 , March/April, p. 288.
4Michael Varikiotis, "Pacific Divide :Southeast Asians Are Smouldering over What They See as America's Cool Response to Their Economic Woes," Far Eastern Economic Review,November 6, 1997. p. 14.
5Alice D. Ba, "China and ASEAN: Renavigating Relations for a 21St-century Asia," Asian Sur'zey, Vol.XLⅢ, No. 4,2003, pp. 635-636,p.634,p.637.
6Michael R. J. Vatikiotis, "Catching the Dragon's Tail: China and Southeast Asia in the 21^st Century," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume 25, Number 1, April 2003, p. 70.
7Michael Richardson, "Asian Nations Warn Japan Its Influence is on the Wane," International Herald Tribune, February 6,1998, p. 1.
8Joseph Y. S. Cheng, "Sino-A.qEAN Relations in the Early Twenty-first Century," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.23, No. 3, p. 425.
9Richard Stubbs, "ASEAN Plus Three: Emerging East AsianRegionalism?", Asian Sur't.ey, Vol. XLⅡ, No. 3, May/June 2002, p. 448.
10Bhubhindar Singh, "ASEAN's Perception of Jatxm: Change and Contunity," Asian Sur'taey, Vol. XLⅡ, No. 2, March/April, p. 291.