目的:分析热线电话咨询中的精神障碍求询者的资料,旨在了解精神疾患问题在电话咨询中的特点.方法:对1990年11月~2000年12月上海心理健康热线资料(共计24 977人次)建立数据库,并对精神障碍求询者咨询资料进行统计分析.结果:10年中,精神障碍问题的求询人次逐年增多,以中青年为主,男性多于女性,无业者较多(占8.7%).对于精神障碍相关问题的电话咨询处理原则是在督促求询者遵守经治医师医嘱的基础上给予安慰、解释、指导和约诊,平均咨询的满意度在70%.结论:上海心理健康热线逐渐受到精神病患者、家属的欢迎,能够为精神病患者的康复提供咨询.
Objective: To analyze the data from Shanghai Hotline through 1990 to 2000, which focused on the callers who suffered from mental illness, and to find out any indications for further practice in the new century. Methods: All data in the past 10 years were covered and the callers′ records associated with mental health issues were selected and analyzed by Spss10.0. Results: The main results showed that the numbers of the callers with mental illness were increasing year by year and it was more common in young males than in young females.It was also common in callers without job than in general callers.Counseling approaches for mental callers were often effectively used, such as emotional support, health education, explanation and classification, etc. There were about 70% of callers feeling better and helpful after counseling. Conclusion:The hotline counseling is one brief psychological treatment, which is helpful for rehabilitation from mental illness.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine