For a long period, there are continuous arguments on the rational ity of anti-dumping among economists. Some opinions consider anti-dumping as the embodiment of trade protection and opposes the free trade policies. As a matter of fact, the free trade advocated by the international communities, does not ex clude the legal or reasonable protections of trade, but emphasizes on providing proper protections to importing countries. Among almost all kinds of economic in tegrations, anti-dumping is definitely considered as legal solutions. This artic le, based on the nature and dangers of dumping behaviors, emphasizes on the rati onalities and necessities of anti-dumping. It criticizes those opinions which th ink there are contradictions between anti-dumping and free trade, and proves tha t anti-dumping behaviors are effective solutions to maintain a normal and impart ial international competitive orders and business environment. It's actually the necessary guarantee to ensure the actions and realizations of international fre e trade.
Journal of International Trade