目的以分析珠海口岸SARS防制过程中的阶段性变化为例,根据《国际卫生条例》的要求, 探讨突发公共卫生事件的应对措施。方法对2003年4月-2004年6月珠海口岸出入境人员SARS防制的日报情况及具体措施进行分析。结果检疫查验出入境旅客66 405 790人;申报和现场检疫查验有症状者1 871人;送医院检查者147人;对有症状患者珠澳两地互相转交31人,其中,珠海移交澳门24人,澳门移交珠海7人;各项具体措施在执行过程中不断改进,逐步完善。结论根据SARS防制经验,面对国际公共卫生的形势,对口岸突发公共卫生事件,要有全球健康的整体观念,而且要根据各口岸的自身特点,采取适当措施。
Objective By analyzing period variety of the prevention and control of SARS of ZhuHai Port, try to find the right response measure of the public health emergency based on International Health Regulations. Methods Analyse the daily report of entry-exit people and concretely measure of SARS of Zhuhai port form April,2003 to June,2004. Results There are 66 405 790 entry-exit people who were inspected, there are 1 871 cases of declaration or been inspected to have symptom, there are 147 cases who have been send to hospital.Zhuhai and Macao have exchanged 31 case of people who had symptom.Every concretely measure has been improved and perfected during the enforcement period. Conclusion Base on the experience of the prevent and control of SARS,we must have the holistic concept on global health
Port Health Control