振兴东北老工业基地被作为一项国策提出来, 从中央到地方都给予了极大关注。振兴东北老工业基地实质上是实现东北经济区重新大发展。为更好地服务于这次经济转型战略, 向“服务型政府”转变是今后政府改革的必然选择。服务型政府的角色主要包括: 为东北老工业基地的产业调整提供政策导向、提升生产要素的质量、提供经济增长的基础设施与社会保障支持。
The revival of northeast old industrial bases is put forward as a national policy and paid more attention.The essence of it is the re development of northeast economic region In order to supply service to the transformation government must transform to servicing government.The role of servicing government play roles in making policy,developing production factors and supplying fundamental support to economic growth.
Northern Economy and Trade