我国人力资源测评事业虽然有着良好的发展势头,但仍然存在着诸多问题, 这些问题对政府部门如何正确引导和规范人力资源测评提出了更高的要求。在人力资源测评的研究趋势上具有方向的中国化、模式的多元化、技术的综合化、方法的信息化和内容的人性化;在人力资源测评的应用实践中,应用领域从企业深入到政府部门、应用对象个体和群体相结合、应用内涵兼顾人员特征和岗位特征、评价方法定性与定量并重、结果解释综合维度测评和任务测评、专业人员队伍培养与认证并举、完善产权保护,建立良性资本效益模式。
With a good development of HR assessment in China, there are still some problems. Therefore how to conduct and regulate a further development by the government at a higher level becomes a key point. The tendency of research in China's human resource assessment shows such features as China localization, multi -model, comprehensive technology, information-orientation and humanism. Meanwhile the tendency of application in China's human resource assessment is developing in a wide scope from enterprises to government, with integration of individual and group people, covering personal character and specific job description. And the way of assessment focuses on equal significance both in definition and quantitative, evaluating in elements and circumstance, coexisting in training and authorization, and perfecting the protection of the intellectual property right, and founding an amicable cycle of capital investment .
The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute