
西部民族地区退耕还林还草的法律保障探讨 被引量:2

Inquiry on Legal Safeguard of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests and Pastures in the Western Ethnic Areas
摘要 自然生态环境是人类赖以生存的基本条件,是经济社会发展的根本基础。自然生态环境的不断恶化,已成为制约西部地区经济社会持续发展的严重问题之一。我国制定“退耕还林还草”战略决策最主要的目的,就是为了给西部地区人民营造一个新的生存和发展空间。实施“退耕还林还草”的战略决策,必须尊重群众意愿,确保林草的成活率;必须遵循自然规律,因地制宜,宜林则林,宜草则草,实行综合治理;必须严格执行国务院关于“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”的法规措施;必须认真落实保护农民土地经营权的法律规范,树立生态环境可持续发展的法律协调观;必须建立和健全西部地区生态效益补偿机制,充分利用价格杠杆的作用促进西部地区的生态平衡。西部大开发要维护经济发展与生态的良性循环,建设山川秀美的新家园,让西部地区人民群众脱贫致富奔小康。 Natural and ecological environment is the fundamental condition for hum anity to live and foundation for socioeconomic de-velopment.The continual worsening of natural and ecological environme nt has been one of serious problems re stricting sustainable so-cioeconomic development in the Western areas.The main goal for the strategic decision of returning cultivated land to forests and pastures of our country is to create a new space for existence and developm ent for the people in the western area s.To implement the strategic decision of returning cul tivated land to forests and pastures,we must respect the farmers' wishes and ensure the survival rate of forests and pastures;we must make comprehensive harness in the light o f local conditions following natura l law and plant forests and pastures in the suitable places;we must carry out strictly the laws and me asures of returning cultivated land to forests,closing off hillsides for afforestation,givin g relief to local residents in the form of grain and encouraging individual contractors to manage the concerned areas;we must earnestly i mplement the legal regulations for p rotecting the farmers' managerial authority and adopt coordi-nated idea of sustainable developme nt of ecological environment;we must establish and improve the indemnifying system of ecological benefit in the Western areas and make full use of the role of price leverage to promote the ecological balance.I t is imperative for the large -scale development of the Western regions to maintain the sound cyc le of economic development and ecolo gy,build new beautiful home and help people in the western areas get rid of poverty and become rich so as to lead a well -off life.
作者 宋才发
机构地区 中央民族大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 北大核心 2005年第2期26-33,共8页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家"211工程"十五建设重点项目(发改社会[2004]834号) 国务院西部开发办2004年重点项目(国务院X B B04-D03号)
关键词 西部地区 生态环境 退耕还林还草 脱贫致富 可持续发展 Western areas ecological environm ent return cultivated land to forests and pastures get rid of poverty and become rich sustainable development
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