
13起O139型霍乱疫情分析 被引量:18

Epidemic Situation of Cholera O139
摘要 目的探讨O139霍乱流行特征,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法对所有聚餐人员及其接触者进行个案调查,以肛拭和环境采样培养分离霍乱弧菌,按国家标准诊断病人和带菌者,并采取控制措施。结果13起疫情暴露者3107人,感染率为12.49%,罹患率为2.90%,带菌率为9.59%;暴发疫情12起;各起疫情均与聚餐有关,均有食用虾或甲鱼史,4起疫情从虾或甲鱼中检出O139霍乱弧菌,2起疫情从餐具或剩余食品中检出O139霍乱弧菌;病人主要表现为无痛性腹泻,水样便,中重度病例占47.73%。结论甲鱼或虾携带O139霍乱弧菌,加强饮食卫生管理是预防O139霍乱食源性传播的关键。 Objective To explore the epidemic characteristics of cholera O139, and provide basis for setting up preventive measures. Methods Persons tha t dined together and contacted the cholera patient were investigated. The vibrio cholera samples collected by rectal swab and environmental sampling were cultur ed and isolated. The disease was diagnosed with national standards. At the same time control measures were implemented. Results There were 3107 people had con tacted the patients in 13 cases, with an infection rate of 12.49%, attack rate o f 2.90%, and carrier rate of 9.59%. 12 cases had spread and all had consumed sh rimp and turtle. Cholera O139 was found in the shrimp and turtle in 4 cases, an d was found in dinner set or residual foods in 2 cases. The main clinical sympt oms were unpainful diarrhea and watery stool. 47.73% of the cases were moderate and severe. Conclusion All epidemic situations were related to contaminated shr imp or turtle. Due to its high infection rate, the serious symptoms and much mor e carriers than patients, it is crucial to strengthen the control of food hygiene.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第3期310-312,315,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 O139霍乱 流行特征 分析 cholera O139 epidemic characteristics analysis
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