Objective To explore the possibility of using the level of neonatal heel blood thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) as an index for iodine nutrition co ndition. Methods The TSH in heel blood cord of neonate was analyzed after 72 hours by ELISA. Heel blood of neonate was matched with urine sample of pregnant women, urine iodine and TSH was determined separately. Results Along with the improvement of iodine nutrition condition of people in the city, the overall lev el of TSH of neonate was decreased year by year(P < 0.01),but in 2003, TSH P97 w as 7.68 mU/L,accounting for 16.16% while TSH was at least 5 mU/L; 7.21% of neona tes had a TSH level higher than 5 mU/L by pregnant women with normal iodine nutr ition condition. Conclusions The iodine nutrition condition of pregnant women is an important factor to influence the TSH level of newborns,it's appropriate to set a cut-off point that less than 3% of neonates in their heel blood have a TSH level equal to or greater than 10 mU/L when iodine nutrition condition is ev aluated.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology