Abstract Egg Drop Syndrome 1976 (EDS-76) virus was rapidly detected by plate hemagglutination (HA) test for quantitative analysis and by micro-HA test for quantitative determination. Different shapes occured in plate HA test were corelated with the virus titers obtained from micro-HA test.When virus were able to completely agglutinate an equal volume of 10% chicken erythrocyle suspension and the agglutinated shapes were obvious in plate test at 10~25℃ within 30 seconds, their geometric mean titers (GMT) of micro-HA test were more than 5×212.If the agglutinations of the samples were not apparent or needed more than 2 minutes to occur in plate test, their micro-HA titers were less thans×210. The agglutination of the samples could be specially inhibited by EDS-76 antisera. This method is considered suitable for a rapid initial screening system to get higher titer viruses especially for selection of seed viruses from a large number of original samples.